2000 Vol. 66 Ed. 5

1 Intelligibility of Monosyllables In Quiet and in Noise.
         Ari de Paula*, José A. Oliveira**, Natália M. Godoy***, Marilis B. A. Canovas***.

2 Study of Faringeal Fase of Deglutition in Healthy Volunteers by Fibronasoscopy.
         Ari de Paula*, Jairo D. Fernandes**, Marcelo B. Fortinguerra**.

3 Low Intelligibility in Noisy Environment in Young People with Normal Audiometry.
         Ari de Paula*, José A. P. Oliveira**, Natália M. Godoy***.

4 Rhinosinusitis in Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV): Clinical and Microbiological Aspects.
         Miguel A. Hyppolito*; Wilma T. Anselmo de Lima**; Roberto Martinez***.

5 The Incidence of Ocult Cervical Metastases in T1 and T2 of the Tongue.
         Fernando D. Molina*, Eny M. G. Bertoloto**, José V. Maniglia***.

6 Reconstruction of the Larynx Using Sternohyoid Muscle.
         Robert Thomé*, Daniela C. Thomé**, Rodrigo A. C. Cortina**, Hélio Kawakami***.

7 Diagnosis of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease - Endoscopy Versus Ambulatory 24-h Esophageal pH Monitoring.
         Flávio H. Ivano*, Antonio C. N. Nassif Filho**, Fernando Gortz***, Rogerio T. Miyake****, Regina H. Nakamoto*****.

8 Effects of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery on Asthma Management.
         Richard Voegels*, Fabrizio R. Romano**, Josiane F. Aguiar***, Carlos E. N. Nigro** ; Ossamu Butugan****.

9 Chronic Voice Disorders in Children and Teenagers: A retrospective Study.
         Marcos R. Freitas*, Sandra Pela**, Maria L. R. Gonçalves***, Reginaldo R. Fujita****, Paulo A. L. Pontes*****, Luc L. M. Weckx******.

10 Congenital and Adquired Deafness in Childhood.
         Adriana S. Lima*, Ana M. M. Salles**, Alfredo P. Barreto***.

11 Cytological Alterations of the Lower Lip Semi-Mucosa in Patients Exposed to Tobacco and Solar Radiation.
         Juliana B. P. Silva*, Jozias A. Sobrinho**, Silvio Boraks***, Maria A. L. Galvão****, Abrão Rapoport*****.

12 Vocal Fold Paralysis in Children.
         Claudia A. Eckley*, André C. Duprat**, Maria F. P. Carvalho***, Branca Liquidato***, André F. Moreira****, Henrique O. Costa*****.

13 Pre and Post-Operative Conditions of Patients Who Underwent Laryngeal Microsurgery for the Main Benign Lesions.
         Paulo S. L. Perazzo*, Alex C. Cota***, Milton P. C. Moura***, Washington L. C. Almeida**, Carlos R. T. Gois***.

14 The Use of Inspiratory Phonation t Characterize Laringeal Benign Lesions.
         Milene V. Lopes*, Mares Behalau**, Osiris O. C. do Brasil***, Deborah Andrade****.

15 Implications of Smoke Habit in Gustation and in Olfaction - Reviewing the Theme.
         Alexandre A. Henriques*; André D. Furtado André F. Vargas*; Cristiano B. Martins Dalva A. do Prado*; Sérgio S. M. Barreto***.

16 Carotid Body Tumor - a Case Report and Literature Review.
         Gustavo P. Ferreira*, Ricardo J. Gaspar**, Henrique C. Pinto***, Pedro P. Cintra***, José A. Pinto****.

17 Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome: Case Report.
         Lauro J. L. Alcântara*, Fabiano Gavaszoni**, André L. Ataíde**, Emerson A P. de Carvalho***.

18 Tumefactive Fibroinflammatory Lesion of the Cervical Region in a Child - Case Report.
         Marcus A. Lima*, Luís C. Carmo**, Juliana B Cunha**, Patrícia M. Pinheiro**, Fernando A. Pimenta***.

19 Lateral Canthotomy: Simple Treatment for a Serious Complication of Micro-Endoscopic Sinus Surgery.
         Roberto E. S. Guimarães*, Celso G. Becker*, Helena M. G. Becker**, Cleiton D. L. Silva***, Daniel V. Abreu***, Cícero A. F. Júnior***.

20 Oroantral Fistulae: Considerations Clinics and Surgical on Treatment and Report of Two Clinical Cases.
         Leo K. Neto*, João A. C. Navarro**, Marcos A. Torriani***, Paulo M. Almeida****.



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