1998 Vol. 64 Ed. 3

1 Intranasal Corticcosteroids and Possible Adverse Events: Literature Review.
         Jorge S. Escamilla Arrieta *;

2 Subglotic stenosis and Rethi Method: Controversy Surronding surgical Techniques.
         Robert Thomé *; Daniela Curti Thomé**.

4 Study the Brainstem Auditory Evocked Potencials in Preterm Newborn.
         Silvana M. B. da Costa* Orozimbo A. Costa Filho**

5 Nasal Mucociliary Function Study in Children with Adenotonsillar Hypertrophy in the Pre Days After the Adenotonsillectomy.
         Marcos Mocellin *; Carlos E. Barrionuevo**; Rogério C. Pasinato*** ; Rodrrgo F. Ferreira ****; Fábio L. Ouriques*****.

6 Standard Responses Analysis in Newborns for Distortion Product Evoked Otoacoustic En.issions.
         Juan C. Vallejo *, Elaine Soares**; Luís M. Chiriboga***.

7 Pyogenic Granulom in External Auditory Meatus and Pinna - A Case Report and Literature Review.
         Marcos Mocellin ; Robson Capasso*, Guilherme S. A. Catani** Alvo O. Vizzotto, Jr.***; Alexandre C. Gasperin ***.

8 Polyposis and the Peutz Jeghers. Syndrome.
         Arthur Guilherme L. B. S. Augusto*; Lídio Granato**; Giulio C. Santo***, Daniel Destailleur****; Roberto M. Yoshikae*****.

9 Chondroblatoma of the Temporal Bone.
         Sulene Pirada* ; Roberto Z. Ognibene**; Priscila Bogar*** , Ricardo F. Bento****; Vera L. C. Delmonte*****.

10 Lingual Thyroid. Report of a Case.
         Roberto C. Meirelles *; Marcílio F Marques Filho **; Adriana L. M. C. Silva***, Ciriaco C T Atherino****,

11 Bilateral Acquired Choanal Stenoisis Associated with Wegener's Granulomatosis: Report of a Case.
         Daniela C. Thomé* ; Eduardo Y. Nascimento* Ana Rita R. Olim* ; Tanit G. Sanchez ** ; Richard Voegels** ; Ossamu Butugnn ***.

12 Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of Paranasal Sinuses.
         Julieta Gonçalves* ; Graça Fonseca*, Paulo Serafim* , Maria Adelina Costa**, Machado Aires ** ; Tomé Fernandes****.

13 Extramedullary Plasmocytoma of Nasopharynx: A Case Report and Revision of Literature.
         Fernandes, A. M.* ; Podovani, J. A. **; Maníglia, , j. P. ***.

14 Retrocochlear Hearing Loos by Epidermid Cist: Case Report.
         Paulo R. Pialarissi* ; Alexandre C. S. Hauram ** , Fábio Kawamura***, Gilberto Gattaz****.



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