"The Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology supports the WHO's (World Health Organization) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors' (ICMJE) Clinical Assays' Registration Policies, as we acknowledge the importance of such measures for the international registration and disclosure of information on clinical assays, in an open access. Thus, as of 2007 we shall only accept for publication, those clinical research papers which have received an identification number from the Clinical Assays Registrations validated according to criteria established by the WHO and the ICMJE, and their web sites are available at http://www.icmje.org/. The identification number must be stated at the end of the abstract."

Current Edition:
2014  Vol. 80 Ed.2 - Mar / Abr
Available papers: 1986

Capa 2014  Vol.80 Ed.2 -Mar / Abr


1 Otoneurological evaluation: current good practice
        Denise Utsch Gonçalves1; Fernando Freitas Ganança2; Marco Aurélio Bottino3,4; Mario Edvin Greters4,5; Mauricio Malavasi Ganança6,7; Raquel Mezzalira8,9; Roseli Saraiva Moreira Bittar3; Sergio Albertino10

2 Changing paradigms in treatment of larynx cancer
        Carlos Takahiro Chone

3 The fascinating study of human vocal folds
        Domingos Hiroshi Tsuji1; Luciana Miwa Nita Watanabe2

Original Article

4 Familial Alström syndrome: a rare cause of bilateral progressive hearing loss*
        Fayez Bahmad Jr.1,2,3,; Carolina Sousa Alves Costa3; Marina Santos Teixeira2; Jairo de Barros Filho2; Lucas Moura Viana2; Jan Marshall4

5 Postural control in underachieving students
        Andreza Tomaz1; Maurício Malavasi Ganança2; Adriana Pontin Garcia1; Natalia Kessler1; Heloisa Helena Caovilla3

6 Experimental study of the use of auricular cartilage with and without Gelfoam® on the nasal dorsum of rabbits*
        Breno Simões Ribeiro da Silva1; José Eduardo Lutaif Dolci2

7 Complications in the endoscopic and endoscopic-assisted treatment of juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma with intracranial extension*
        Maria Dantas Costa Lima Godoy1,2; Thiago Freire Pinto Bezerra3; Fabio de Rezende Pinna3; Richard Louis Voegels3

8 Adherence of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome patients to continuous positive airway pressure in a public service*
        Danielle L.C. Queiroz; Mariane S. Yui; Andréa A. Braga; Mariana L. Coelho; Daniel S. Küpper; Heidi H. Sander; Leila A. Almeida; Regina M.F. Fernandes; Alan L. Eckeli; Fabiana Cardoso Pereira Valera

9 Auditory pathways' maturation after cochlear implant via cortical auditory evoked potentials*
        Liliane Aparecida Fagundes Silva1; Maria Inês Vieira Couto2; Robinson Koji Tsuji3; Ricardo Ferreira Bento4; Carla Gentile Matas5; Ana Claudia Martinho de Carvalho5

10 Amplitude and speed of masticatory movements in total laryngectomy patients
        Paulo Fernandes Pinheiro Junior1; Lucas Carvalho Aragão Albuquerque2; Cicilia Lais de Lima Silva3; Natália Freira da Silva3; Daniele Andrade da Cunha3; Hilton Justino da Silva3

11 Endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal resection of pituitary adenomas: preliminary evaluation of consecutive cases*
        Carlos Takahiro Chone1,2; Marcelo Hamiltom Sampaio1; Eulalia Sakano1; Jorge Rizzato Paschoal1,2; Heraldo Mendes Garnes3; Luciano Queiroz4; Antonio Augusto Roth Vargas5,6; Yvens Barbosa Fernandes5,6; Donizete C. Honorato5,6; Mateus Dal Fabbro6; Henrico Guizoni6; Helder Tedeschi6

12 Peripheral Th17/Treg cell-mediated immunity imbalance in allergic rhinitis patients*
        Xuekun Huang1; Yulian Chen1; Fucheng Zhang2; Qintai Yang1; Gehua Zhang1

13 Comparison of the use of silastic with titanium prefabricated implant in type I thyroplasty
        Akshat Malik; WVBS Ramalingam; Ajith Nilakantan; Satish Nair; AV Ramesh; Poonam Raj

Review Article

14 Forestier's disease and its implications in otolaryngology: literature review*
        Janaina Oliveira Bentivi Pulcherio; Cláudia Márcia Malafaia de Oliveira Velasco; Rosane Siciliano Machado; Wallace Nascimento de Souza; Daniella Rossi de Menezes

15 Predictive factors for the postlaryngectomy pharyngocutaneous fistula development: systematic review*
        Suzana Boltes Cecatto1; Matilde Monteiro Soares1; Teresa Henriques1; Eurico Monteiro2; Carla Isabel Ferreira Pinto Moura3

Case Report

16 Keratocystic odontogenic tumor in the maxillary sinus: a rare occurrence
        Marcelo Bonifácio da Silva Sampieri1; Eduardo Sanches Gonçales1; Victor Tieghi Neto1; Alexandre Simões Nogueira2; Eveline Turatti3; Roberta Barroso Cavalcante3; Virgílio Mendes Maia Júnior4

17 Neuroendocrine adenoma of the middle ear confused with congenital cholesteatoma
        Yee Hyuk Kim1; Sang Heun Lee2; Da Jung Jung3

18 Bilateral antrochoanal polyp: case report
        Henrique Augusto Cantareira Sabino1,2; Francesca Maia Faria3; Edwin Tamashiro1,2; Wilma Terezinha Anselmo Lima1,2; Fabiana Cardoso Pereira Valera1

19 Solitary neurofibroma of the palate*
        Fábio Wildson Gurgel Costa1; Francisco Samuel Rodrigues Carvalho1; Cássia Farias de Sousa2; Roberta Barroso Cavalcante3,4; Karuza Maria Alves Pereira3,5










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