Portuguese Version

Year:  1998  Vol. 64   Ed. 3 - ()

Relato de Casos

Pages: 259 to 261

Pyogenic Granulom in External Auditory Meatus and Pinna - A Case Report and Literature Review.

Author(s): Marcos Mocellin ; Robson Capasso*,
Guilherme S. A. Catani**
Alvo O. Vizzotto, Jr.***;
Alexandre C. Gasperin ***.

Keywords: pyogenic granuloma, externai auditory meatus, pinna, adult

A case of pyogenic granuloma in externai auditory meatos and pinna in a female adult patient is presented by the authors because this lesion is not frequent in this age and place. The diagnose was dope by an anatomo pathologic study and the treatment consisted of lesions' six sessions of 30% silver nitrate cauterization. The patient had a good evolution. The authors conclude whicli, even though rnaking the clinicai diagnosis can be difficult, the pathologic study is definitive. This lesion is easily treatable and lias a good prognosis.






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