Portuguese Version

Year:  1998  Vol. 64   Ed. 3 - (14º)

Relato de Casos

Pages: 301 to 304

Retrocochlear Hearing Loos by Epidermid Cist: Case Report.

Author(s): Paulo R. Pialarissi* ;
Alexandre C. S. Hauram ** ,
Fábio Kawamura***,
Gilberto Gattaz****.

Keywords: epidermoid cist, retrocochlear hearing loss, retrocochlear tumors

The case presented is of a 16-year-old pacient that had as unique complaint a profound left hearing loss for about seven years. The M.R.I. showed a cistic mass on the Internal Acoustic Meatus and Posterior Fossa with displacement of the Brain Stem. The electrophysiologic evaluation of the hearing (BERA, OAE) had established the retrocochlear involvement. After the surgery procedure, the histogical finding was an Epidermoid Cist. Those cists are rare tumors from ectodermic nature that must be considered as a differential diagnosis of thé retrocochlear hearing loss.






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