1994 Vol. 60 Ed. 3

1 Pharyngitis and Laryngitis Associated to the Gastroesophageal Reflux.
         Lucio A. Castagno*, Otávio Leite Gastal**, Sydney Castagno***

2 Recurrent Peripheral Facial Palsy: Retrospective Study of 63 Cases.
         Priscila Bogar*, Richard Louis Voegels*, Tanit Ganz Sanchez*, Rogério Leão Bensadon*, Aroldo Minit**, Ricardo Ferreira Bento***.

3 Effect of Chronic Otitis Media without Complication on the Sensorineural Hearing Loss.
         Heshiki, Zenshi*, Tagliarini, José V.** Javaroni, Afonso C.**

4 Biochemical Colagen Quantification in the Human Vocal Fold Túnica Mucosa.
         Pedro Henrique de Miranda Mota*, Paulo Augusto de Lima Pontes**, Edison Roberto Parise***

5 Chronic Maxillary Sinusites - Comparative Study between Radiological and Endoscopic Exams Evaluation of 104 Patients.
         Cláudio Cidade Gomes*, Eulália Sakano*, Luiza Hayashi Endo*", Márcia Maria do Carmo Bilecki***, Maria Clelia Lucchezi***.

6 Patterns of Epithelial Migration in Acquired Cholesteatoma: An Experimental Study.
         Marcelo M. Hueb, M. D., M. S. 1,2,3, Marcos V. Goycoolea, M. D., M. S. Ph. D.1,4,5 David Muchow 1,4.

7 Clinical and Histological Pre and Postoperative Evaluation in Turbinectomy Associated with Septoplasty.
         Siomara Bambirra*, Wilma Terezinha Anselmo Lima**, José Fernando Colafemina***, José Antonio Apparecido de Oliveira****, Edson G. Soares*****, Valder R. de Melo******.

8 Ensino de Pré-Graduação em Medicina. Avaliação. Ensino Médico. Otorrinolaringologia.
         Ronaldo Bordint1, Helena Maria Arenson-Pandikow2, Maurício Rodrigues Boeck3.

9 Tunning Fork - An Old Method - A Modem Approach.
         Décio Renato Campana*, Luiz Antonio da Silva Freire**.

10 Myxoma of the Maxilla: Study of Two Cases.
         Myxoma of the Maxilla: Study of Two Cases. Richard Louis Voegels*, Mônica Gondim*, Antônio Carlos Campos**, Ossamu Butugan***`, Aroldo Miniti****.

11 Congenital Cholesteatoma of the Middle Ear: Report of 7 Cases
         Arthur Guilherme Augusto*, Otacilio Lopes Filho**, Carlos Alberto H. de Campos***.

12 Aphasia Motora, Facial Paralysis and Right Hemiplegy After Left Dental Abscess.
         Jair Cortez Montovani*, Victor Nakajima**, Seizo Yoshinaga***, Sergio L. S. Yoshinaga****, Cláudio Rabello Coelho*****

13 Suppurative Otitis Media and Lateral Sinus Thrombophlebitis: A Case Report and Literature Review.
         José Faibes Lubianca Neto*, Luiz Felipe Borba Vieira*, Celso Dall'Iga**, Arnaldo Linden***

14 Ankylosis of Temporomandibular Joint After Acute Otitis Media.
         Sérgio Luís de Miranda*, Ruy A. Antonini

15 Swallowing Disorder in a Newborn with Submucous Cleft Palate.
         Ivan D. Miziara*, Gilberto G. S. Formigoni**, Angélica K. Akamine*'*.

         Roberto Campos Meirelles*



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