Portuguese Version

Year:  1994  Vol. 60   Ed. 3 - (10º)

Relato de Casos

Pages: 224 to 226

Myxoma of the Maxilla: Study of Two Cases.

Author(s): Myxoma of the Maxilla: Study of Two Cases.
Richard Louis Voegels*,
Mônica Gondim*,
Antônio Carlos Campos**,
Ossamu Butugan***`,
Aroldo Miniti****.

Keywords: Maxillary sinus, myxoma, neoplasms

The myxoma of the bone is an uncommon benign neoplasm that is generally timited to the maxillofacial region. It is usually regarded as beingof odontogenic origin. The tumoris characterized by slow growth, invasiveness, no metastasis and tendency to recur after surgical excision. We present two cases of the disease treated by surgical removal via Caldwell -Luc approach, which allowed an adequate surgical access and a conservative but complete resection. Clinical and radiographic examination 1 and 3 years aftersurgery show no evidence of recurrence of the lesions.






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