2003 Vol. 69 Ed. 6

The beginning of the digital journey
         Henrique Olival Costa

1 Histologic study of ossification of the thyroid cartilage
         Walter P. Cruz1, Rogério A. Dedivitis2, Ângelo Sementilli3, Abrão Rapoport4

2 Contribution to the anatomic study of the innervation of the posterior and lateral crico-arytenoid muscles
         João Adolfo Caldas Navarro1, João Lopes Toledo Filho2, Jesus Carlos Andreo2, Gustavo Henrique Souza Silva3, Marcos Roberto Banhara4

3 Comparative study of absortion of three kinds of collagen used in otologic surgery
         Cristina Dornelles1, Sady S. da Costa2, Márcia Laux3, Raimar Weber4

4 Comparative histology study of the vocal folds after incision with cold instruments and CO2 laser in an animal model
         Fernando C. C. Santos1, Marcos Grellet2, Aguilar R. Junior3, Maria C. Jamur4, José A. Pinto5, Denilson S. Fomin6

5 Cochlear implant in deaf children due to meningites
         Maria C. Bevilacqua1, Adriane L. M. Moret2, Orozimbo A. Costa Filho3, Leandra T. Nascimento4, Marcos R. Banhara5

6 Qualification and quantification of ambient noise exposure in a general intensive care unit
         Raquel Paganini Pereira1, Ronaldo N. Toledo2, José Luiz G. do Amaral3, Arnaldo Guilherme4

7 Diagnostic approach of balance in the elderly: preliminary results
         Lucinda Simoceli1 Roseli Moreira Saraiva Bittar2, Marco Aurélio Bottino2, Ricardo Ferreira Bento3

8 Contribution of vestibular rehabilitation in tinnitus recovery: a surprising result
         Keila A. B. Knobel1, Leopoldo N. Pfeilsticker2, Guita Stoler3, Tanit G. Sanchez4

9 Evaluation of the five wave from auditory brain response of children who not passed in neonatal screening
         Viviane Camargo Marques1, Luis Miguel Chiriboga Arteta1, Elaine Soares2

10 Auditory perceptual, acoustic, computerized and laryngological analysis of young smokers' and nonsmokers' voice
         Daniele C. de Figueiredo1, Paula R. F. de Souza2, Maria Inês R. Gonçalves3, Noemi G. de Biase4

11 The dysphonic child: diagnostic, treatment and clinical evolution
         Regina H. G. Martins1, Sérgio H. K. Trindade2

12 Vocal problems in kindergarten and primary school teachers: prevalence and risk factors
         Vera L. R.Fuess1, Maria Cecília Lorenz2

13 Isolation of Streptococcus pyogenes in individuals with pharyngotonsillitis and antimicrobial susceptibility testing
         Rozana Scalabrin1, Gisele D. Buss2, Kelly Cristina S. Iamaguchi3, Celso Luiz Cardoso4, Lourdes B. Garcia5

14 Pulmonary hipertension in patients with adenotonsillar hypertrophy
         Bruno Bartolomei Sebusiani1, Shirley Pignatari2, Giuseppe Armínio3, Levon Mekhitarian Neto4, Aldo E. Cassol Stamm5

15 Frequency of positive skin tests for airborne allergic agents
         Ricardo Godinho1, Márcio Lanza, Andréa Godinho, Anderson Rodriques, Tânia M.L. Assiz

16 Tuberculous otitis media
         Márcia M. Pinho1, Arthur Octavio de A. Kós2

17 Oroantral fistulas: diagnosis and management purposes
         Tarsila M. C. Freitas1, Jener G. Farias2, Robson G. Mendonça3, Maurício F. Alves4, Ruy P. Ramos Jr.4, Antônio V. Câncio4

18 Aberrant internal carotid artery in the middle ear
         Corintho Viana1, Fábio Coelho2, Silvio Caldas Neto3, Kátia Oliveira4, Nelson Caldas5

19 Pacinian neurofibroma: report of a rare intraoral case
         Lélia B. Souza1, Jamile M.B. Oliveira2, Tarsila M. C. Freitas3, Rejane A. Carvalho4

20 Kartagener Syndrome: a case report
         Rubem C. Swensson1, José J. Jorge Júnior2, Rogério P. Swensson3, Patrícia K. M. S. Machado4, José F. M. Morad Filho5, Camila P. Santana6



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