2003 Vol. 69 Ed. 4

1 Otorhinolaryngology: what is it?
         Henrique Olival Costa

2 Fat injection into the vocal fold: effects of the place of injection on the configuration of the glottis and the spatial distribution of the fat
         Rui Imamura1, Luiz Ubirajara Sennes2, Daniel Chung3, Saramira Bohadana4, Domingos Hiroshi Tsuji5

3 Proposal of topographic staging for laryngeal papillomatosis
         Melissa A.G.Avelino1, Paulo A.L.Pontes2, Luc L.M.Weckx3

4 Gastroesophaeal reflux disease: analysis of 157 patients
         Daniela O. Burati1, André de C. Duprat2, Cláudia A. Eckley3, Henrique O. Costa4

5 Vocal intensity variation: a study of vocal folds vibration in humans with videokymography
         Henry U. Koishi1, Domingos H. Tsuji2, Rui Imamura3, Luiz Ubirajara Sennes4

6 Study of demographic, ocupacional and co-carcinogenetics factors in squamous cell carcinoma of base of the tongue in women
         Francisco S. Amorim Filho1, Josias de Andrade Sobrinho2, Abrão Rapoport2, Marcos B. Carvalho2, Neil F. Novo3, Yara Juliano3

7 Surgical treatment of the squamous cell carcinoma of tongue and floor of mouth: pos-operative radiotherapy efect
         Ali Amar1, Otávio Alberto Curioni1, Sérgio T. Higuchi2, Abrão Rapoport1

8 Parotid pleomorphic adenoma: clinical, diagnostic and therapeutical aspects
         Romualdo Suzano Louzeiro Tiago1, Gilson Araújo Castro2, Luiz Artur da Costa Ricardo3, Rogério Borghi Bühler4, Antônio Sérgio Fava5

9 Nasal irrigation: effects of hydroelectrolytic solutions on rats mucosa
         Erika Y. C. Viertler1, José R. G. Testa2, Plínio F. Morgado3, Rimarcs G. Ferreira4

10 Rhinolithiasis: report of eight cases and literature review
         Daniela C. Capra M. Oliveira1, Rodrigo Cantini1, Luiz Rogério Pires de Mello2, Sebastião Tonon3, José Antônio P. Félix3, Márcia Defaveri4

11 Cisplatin ototoxycity and otoprotector to cilliated cells by ginkgo biloba extract: anatomic and eletrophisiologic study
         Miguel Angelo Hyppolito1, José Antônio A. de Oliveira2, Maria Rossato3, Francisco Holanda3

12 Surgical treatment of otitis media with effusion: ventilation tube versus topical application of mitomycin C
         Celso G. Becker1, Alcino L. da Silva2, Roberto E. S. Guimarães3, Helena M. G. Becker3, Iolanda M. Barra4, Wanessa D. Oliveira4

13 Labyrinthine fístulae in chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma
         Norma O. Penido1, Flávia A. Barros2, Luiz C. N. Iha3, Carlos E.C. Abreu3, Rogério N. Silva4, Sung W. Park4

14 Osteoma of external acoustic meato: report of nine cases and literature review
         José Ricardo G. Testa1, Gilberto U. Pizarro2, Isabela M. De Vuono3, Maria Eugênia L. R. B. Valeriano Neto3, Fernando Barros4

15 Vestibular rehabilitation in elderly patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
         Carolina R. Resende1, Carlos K. Taguchi2, Juliane G. de Almeida3, Reginaldo R. Fujita4

16 Changes in audiometry brainstem response in adult women with subclinical hypothyroidism
         Lília Cristiane M. S. Figueiredo1, Marco Antonio M. T. Lima2, Mário Vaisman3

17 Comparison of otoacustic evoked responses in normal neonates for ILO 292 and ILO Ecocheck
         Fernanda C. Scamatti1, Elaine Soares2, Luís M. Chiriboga3

18 HPV and oral carcinogenesis: a bibliographic review
         Márcio C. Oliveira1, Rosilene C. Soares2, Leão P. Pinto3, Antônio de L. L. Costa4

19 Nasal glioma: report of 3 cases and literature review
         Ronaldo Frizzarini1, Marcus M. Lessa2, Elder Y. Goto2, Richard L. Voegels3, Luiz U. Sennes4, Ossamu Butugan4

20 Guillain-Barre syndrome as a complication of acute tonsillitis
         Suzana B. Cecatto1, Roberta I. D. Garcia1, Kátia S. Costa1, Roberta A B. Novais1, Ricardo Yoshimura1, Priscila B. Rapoport2

21 Hemangioma of uvula: one case report
         Fernando P. G. Sobrinho1, Marco A. Félix2, Aldo C. do Valle3, Hélio A. Lessa4

22 Rendu-Osler-Weber Disease: clinical and surgical treatment
         Roberta I. D. Garcia1, Suzana B. Cecatto1, Kátia S. Costa1, Fernando Veiga A. Jr.2, Ivan P. Uvo3, Priscila Bogar Rapoport4



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