Image Code: 3680
Figure 2 Visual analog scale model used. The higher the numerical scale, the worse the level of discomfort.
Image published on/in:2014 Vol.: 80 Ed.: 1 - 7º
Description: Figure 2 Visual analog scale model used. The higher the numerical scale, the worse the level of discomfort.
Author(s) of the original article: Alexandre Caixeta Guimarães1; Guilherme Machado de Carvalho1; Márcia Maria de Freitas Dias Voltolini2; Carlos Eduardo Monteiro Zappelini1; Raquel Mezzalira1; Guita Stoler1; Jorge Rizzato Paschoal1
Title and link to the article:
Study of the relationship between the degree of tinnitus annoyance and the presence of hyperacusis