2004 Vol. 70 Ed. 6

Training, updating and publication: the tripod of affirmation
         Henrique Olival Costa

1 Functional analysis of the larynx reconstructed with a vestibular fold flap after cordectomy
         Hilton Ricz , Rui C. M. Mamede , Lílian Aguiar-Ricz.

2 Cidofovir effects on recurrent laryngeal papillomatosis in children: preliminary report
         Melissa A. G. Avelino , Raquel L. Gutzman , Reginaldo R. Fujita , Shirley Pignatari , Luc L. M. Weckx , Paulo Pontes

3 Vocal fold polyps and cover minor structural alterations: associates injuries?
         Flavio Akira Sakae , Fernando Sasaki , Luiz Ubirajara Sennes , Domingos Hiroshi Tsuji3, Rui Imamura

4 Assessment videokymography of mucosal wave in vocal fold before and after hydration
         Reginaldo Fujita , Ana Elisa Ferreira , Caroline Sarkovas

5 Quality of life improvement in children after adenotonsillectomy
         Renata C. Di Francesco , Felipe S. G. Fortes , Clarissa L. Komatsu2

6 Evaluation of Epworth Sleepiness Scale in patients with obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome
         Letícia Boari , Carolina M. Cavalcanti , Samantha R. F. D. Bannwart , Oscimar B. Sofia , José Eduardo L. Dolci

7 Post-surgical hemorrhage in 397 adenoidectomy plus tonsillectomy operated at Pirajussara General Hospital and Diadema State Hospital / Federal University of Sao Paulo
         Gabriel Cesar Dib , Eduardo M. Kosugi1, Júlio M. Neto , Marcos L. Antunes , Douglas S. R. Morales , Arnaldo Guilherme , Yotaka Fukuda

8 Treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of soft palate
         Ali Amar , Otávio Alberto Curioni1, Sérgio Altino Franzi1, Josias Andrade Sobrinho1, Abrão Rapoport1

9 Squamous cell carcinoma of the lip: assessment of prognostic factors
         Marilda A. M. M. Abreu , Dalva R. N. Pimentel1,Olga M. P. Silva , Isaac T. Blachman ,Nilceo S. Michalany , Cleonice H. Hirata , Luc L. M. Weckx , Mauricio M. A. Alchorne

10 Neck dissection in the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the lip
         Ali Amar ,2, Sergio A. Franzi1, Otávio A. Curioni1, Abrão Rapoport1, Onivaldo Cervante

11 Relation of hyperacusis and peripheral facial paralysis - Bell's palsy
         Raquel Ysabel Guzmán Liriano , Sandra Lira Bastos de Magalhães , Flávia Barros , José Ricardo Gurgel Testa , Yotaka Fukuda

12 Potencial cognitive potencial in free field: applicability test
         Josilene Luciene Duarte , Kátia de Freitas Alvarenga , Orozimbo Alves Costa

13 Temporomandibular Disorder: relationship between otologic and orofacial symptoms
         Cláudia Maria de Felício , Tatiana Gontijo Faria , Marco Antonio Moreira Rodrigues da Silva , Antônio Maria Claret Marra de Aquino , Cinthia Amorim Junqueira

14 Vestibular schwannoma presenting as sudden hearing loss
         Eduardo M. Kosugi , Rodrigo P. Tangerina1, Gabriel C. Dib1, Hugo V. L. Ramos1, Norma O. Penido

15 Vestibular impairment secondary to glucose metabolic disorders: reality or myth?
         Roseli Saraiva Moreira Bittar , Marco Aurélio Bottino1, Lucinda Simoceli , Alessandra Ramos Venosa

16 Auditory rehabilitation in the elderly
         Ana Cléia de O. Marques , Lorena Kozlowski , Jair Mendes Marques

17 The role of cytokines in acquired middle ear cholesteatoma: literature review
         Adriana Leal Alves , Fernando de Andrade Quintanilha Ribeiro.

         Washington Luís C. Almeida , Milton Pamponet da C. Moura , Wilder Alves , Luís Ricardo L. Martin , Márcio Silva de Carvalho , Keylla Cavalcante Alves.

19 Laryngeal Chondrosarcoma: Case Report and Review of Literature
         Giordania Gomes Campos , Luzia Abhrão El Hadj , Marcelo Lodi de Araújo², Paulo Pires de Mello², Luiz Fernando Pires de Mello

20 Fibrous dysplasia of the temporal bone: case report and review of the literature
         Vanier S. Júnior , Eduardo C. Andrade1, Ana L. S. Didoni1, José C. Jorge , Nelson S. Filho , Fabiana R. Yoshimoto3

21 Trichilemmal carcinoma: A case study
         Marcos Antônio Nemetz , Regina Maria da Cunha , Priscilla Reeck2, Waldir Carreirão Neto2, Maria Teresa S. Moreira , Marina S. Coelho

22 Multiple exophytic osteomas of craniofacial bones not associated with Gardner's Syndrome: a case report
         Ernesto Nascimento Filho , Maria T. Seixas , Alessandra Mazzoni , Luc L. M. Weckx

23 Parathyroid cysts: diagnosis and treatment
         Danielle A. da Silva , Márcia C. Machado1, Lúpercio L. Brito1, Renato A. Guimarães1, Antônio S. Fava , Maria Conceição A.C. Mamone

24 Mastoid osteoma: report of a case and literature review
         Patrícia M. S. Takenaka , Filomena R. P. Perez , Sandra J. Patrocínio , Juparethan T. Ribeiro

25 Frontoethmoidal mucoceles: a case report and literature review
         Andy de Oliveira Vicente , Adriana Gonzaga Chaves , Ernesto Narutomo Takahashi , Fernanda Akaki2, Antônio Augusto Sampaio ,Cícero Matsuyama

26 Chronic myeloid leukemia in association with squamous cell carcinoma of tonsillar region submitted to postsurgical irradiation
         Sergio Altino Franzi , Ali Amar1, Milena Mendes Incerti , Abrão Rapoport1, José Pedro Zampieri Filho , Andréia Gomes Monteiro



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