1998 Vol. 64 Ed. 4

1 Clinical Investigation of the Oropharyngea sphagia.
         Bretan, O. *; Tagliarini, f. P. **.

2 Treatment of Sudden e Deafness: Experience of the HC FMUSP Otomeurology Service.
         Ronaldo C. Santos Júnior *; Aríete Cristina da S. Granizo**, Eduardo V. Nascimento**; Ana Rita R. Olin ** ; Eanit G. Sanchez*** ; Roseli S. M. Binar*** , Lázaro G. Formígoni****.

3 Evocked Otoacoustic Emissions: Distortion Product in Nornally Hearing Subjects.
         Carmen Z. vono Coube*, Orozimbo Alves Costa Filho**.

4 Thyroidism Metabolic Disfunction and Otoneurology
         Francisco Sales de Almeida *.

5 Fibrous Dysplasia of Head and Neck: Clinical and Surgical Considerations;
         Richard L. Voegels *; Daniela C Thomé ** Ruí Imamura *** ; Érico A. Nakano** , Ossamu Butugan**** ; Aroldo Miniti *****

6 Visual Mechanism in Balance Control in Normal Adults: Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements.
         Mariane M. F. Moreira *; Oscar A. Q. Maudonnet**.

7 Evaluation of Ear and Nose Foreign Body Removal in Children.
         Cláudio M. Y. Ikino *; Waluiir E. P. A. D Antonio *; Aracy P. S. Balbani** ; Tanit G Sanchez*** ; Ossamu Butugan****.

8 Clinic-Epidemiologic Study of 183 Cases of Salivary Gland Tumors, Based on WHO'S Classification (1991).
         Silva, S. J.*; Morais, D. M.*; Aguiar, A. S. F.**; Lemos, V. C. T.***; Fabiano, P.***; Loyola, A. M.****.

9 Vestibular Symptoms and Electronystagmography Findings: 230 Cases Study.
         Ricardo Ferreira Bento* Saranha C. Bohadana * ; Sueli de Lima *** ; José Alexandre M. da Silveira ****.

10 Subjetive and Objective Audiometric Findings of Venous Angioma in Cerebellum and Brain Stem: Case Report.
         Ronaldo C. Santos Júnior* Aríete C. da S. Granizo** ; Luís A. P. Figueiredo* ; Edigar R. Almeida ***i Silveira, J. A. M.***; Ossamu Butugan****.

11 Maxillary Ameloblastic Carcinoma with Intracranial Inmvasion: Case Report.
         Ronaldo Carvalho Santos Júnior* ; Aracy Pereira Silveira Balbani *; Arlete Cristina da Silva Granizo**; Luiz Ubirijara Sennes ***; Ossamu Butugan****.



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