Portuguese Version

Year:  1998  Vol. 64   Ed. 4 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 379 to 383

Evaluation of Ear and Nose Foreign Body Removal in Children.

Author(s): Cláudio M. Y. Ikino *;
Waluiir E. P. A. D Antonio *;
Aracy P. S. Balbani** ;
Tanit G Sanchez*** ;
Ossamu Butugan****.

Keywords: ear, nose, foreign body, child

This study was carried out in order to evaluate ear and nose foreign body removal and to record the following informatiom from the patients: age, sex and brotherhood. A total of 88 patients in the age group 0-12 years were studied. They were seen in the E.N.T. Emergency Service between August 20th and November 6th, 1997. In the study 53.4% of patients were male and 46.6% female. Ear foreign body was found in 54.5% of patients and nose foreign body in 45.5% of them. Children with ear foreign body presented with the following characteristics: 40% of patients were seen within 24 hours, 35% were evaluated in other services, in 60% previous attempts to remove were made; 22.5% were relapsing ones, in 92.5% the foreign body removal occurred in the emergency room, bean (23.2%) was the mostfrequent foreign body and complications occurred in 22.5% of patients. Children with nose foreign body presented with the following characteristics: 43.7% of patients were seen within 24 hours, 66.6% were examined in other services, in 52% attempts to remove were made, 12.5% were relapsing ones, in 100% the foreign body removal occurred in the emergency room and foam (38%) was the most frequent foreign body. In 74.5% of 55 patients we recorded brothers and/or sisters. The authors conclude that prevention is the best approach in these cases and foreign body removal should be made by skilled physicians in proper conditions.






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