Year: 1998 Vol. 64 Ed. 4 - (4º)
Artigos Originais
Pages: 351 to 358
Thyroidism Metabolic Disfunction and Otoneurology
Author(s): Francisco Sales de Almeida *.
Keywords: otoneurologic, disease of thyroid, syndrotne vestibular, posterior labyrinth
The tyroidism metabolic disfuntion take to a otoneurologic disturbance shown throught a battery of tests. These thyroid disturbance are characterized, among other entities, by peripheric vestibular syndrome. ln this work, we are proposing a critical study through observation and proving. Enphasing the audiometric, impedanciometric and eletronistagmografic proofs in hipo and hiper thyroidistn patients. lt also shows a study about posterior labyrinth and central nerve system, focussing on static and dinamic proofs, movement coordenations segmentares deviation and craneal nerves.