Year: 1998 Vol. 64 Ed. 4 - (2º)
Artigos Originais
Pages: 329 to 334
Treatment of Sudden e Deafness: Experience of the HC FMUSP Otomeurology Service.
Ronaldo C. Santos Júnior *;
Aríete Cristina da S. Granizo**,
Eduardo V. Nascimento**;
Ana Rita R. Olin ** ;
Eanit G. Sanchez*** ;
Roseli S. M. Binar*** ,
Lázaro G. Formígoni****.
Keywords: sudden deafness, dextran, vasodilator, hearing recovery
The etiology of the most cases of sudden deafness is difficult to determine. The otologist asks himself about the treatment strategy. Multiple drug regimens have been proposed according to the protocol of distinets services. The reported recovery rates from sudden deafness without treatment range from 32% to 65%. We retrospectively reviewed the charts of 48 patients with idiopathic sudden deafness, 28 males and 20 females, with average age of 43,4 year-old. The therapy used was Dextran, Nicotinic acid, Papaverine and Vitamin A. The follow up was by audiometrias, regarding from the outset of the treatment and the improvement. The period of each patient gets the best response was evaluaeted too. We concluded that therapy with Dextran, Nicotinic acid, Papaverine and Vitamin A resulted in hearing improvement in 60,41% of the patients. We found a strong relation between the decrease in the initial audiological test, the presence of vertigo, and hearing recovery.