2005 Vol. 71 Ed. 5

On scientific lectures with evaluation committee blessings
         Henrique Olival Costa

1 Morphometric aspects of the human hypoglossal nerve in adults and elderly
         Romualdo Suzano Louzeiro Tiago1, Flávio Paulo de Faria2, Paulo Augusto de Lima Pontes3, Osíris de Oliveira Camponês do Brasil4

2 Mandibular fracture: analysis of 293 patients treated in the Hospital of Clinics of the Federal University of Uberlândia
         Lucas Gomes Patrocínio1, José A. Patrocínio, Bruno Henrique Carrijo Borba2, Bruno De Santi Bonatti2, Lauro Figueira Pinto2, Juliana Villela Vieira2, José Mariano Carvalho Costa3

4 Infantile recurrent parotitis: follow up study of five cases and literature review
         Ivan Dieb Miziara1, Victor Eulalio Sousa Campelo2

5 Vestibular folds configuration in vocal nodule
         Juliane Tuma1, Osíris Oliveira Camponês do Brasil2, Paulo Augusto de Lima Pontes3, Reinaldo Kasuo Yasaki4

6 Analysis of the fundamental frequency, jitter, shimmer and vocal intensity in phonological disordered children
         Haydée F. Wertzner 1, Solange Schreiber 2, Luciana Amaro3

7 Evaluation of Brazilian web sites information about allergic rhinitis
         Leonardo Victor España Rueda Silva1, João Ferreira de Mello Jr.2, Olavo Mion3

8 Evaluation of inspiratory pressure in children with enlarged tonsils and adenoids
         Melissa Guerato Pires1, Renata Cantisani Di Francesco2, Anete Sevciovic Grumach3, João Ferreira de Mello Jr.4

9 Chronic rhinosinusitis in HIV-infected patients: radiological and clinical evaluation
         Ivan Dieb Miziara1, Bernardo Cunha Araujo Filho2, Rodrigo Cataldo de La Cortina3, Fabrício R. Romano4, Adriana S. Lima5

10 A ten year history study of nasal cavity endoscopy on patients with Hansen's disease
         Ana C. C. Martins1, Jair de Carvalho e Castro2, João Soares Moreira3

11 Tinnitus treatment with acamprosate: a double-blind study
         Andréia A. Azevedo1, Ricardo R. Figueiredo2

12 Reliability of the recognition thresholds of the sentence in the quiet and the noise
         Carine Dias de Freitas1, Luís Felipe Dias Lopes2, Maristela Julio Costa3

13 Clinical and etiological factors and evolution of hearing in sudden deafness
         Norma de Oliveira Penido1, Hugo Valter Lisboa Ramos2, Flávia Alencar Barros3, Oswaldo Laércio Mendonça Cruz4, Ronaldo Nunes Toledo5

14 Intracranial complications of chronic suppurative otitis media in children
         Maurício S. Miura1, Rita C. Krumennauer1, José F. Lubianca Neto1,2

15 Equivalent volume: study in subjects with chronic otitis media
         Ana P. T. Alencar1, Maria C. M. Iório2, Douglas S. Morales3

16 Evaluation of satisfaction measures of analogical and digital hearing aid users
         Cristiana Magni1, Francine Freiberger2, Kátia Tonn3

17 Neural response telemetry measures in patients implanted with Nucleus 24®
         Mariana Cardoso Guedes1,Rubens V. Brito Neto2,Maria Valéria S. Goffi Gomez3, Sandra B. Giorgi Sant'Anna4,Cristina G. Ornelas Peralta5,Arthur Menino Castilho6, Ricardo Ferreira Bento7

18 Otomicroscopic and histologic findings of induced myringosclerosis in rats: a critical study of an experimental model
         Patrícia F. Santos1, Mariana C. Leal2, Cristina Peixoto3, Silvio Caldas Neto4, Silvania Tavares Paz Rosas5

19 Anatomic and radiograph study of the persistence of Foramen of Huschke
         Rodrigo Costa Moreno1, Israel Chilvarquer2, Jorge E. Hayek3, Paulo Isaias Seraidarian4

20 Oculomotricity in childhood: is the normality standard the same as in adults?
         Raquel Mezzalira1, Liliane Coelho Neves2, Oscar Antonio Queiroz Maudonnet3, Marcia Maria do Carmo Bilécki4, Fernanda Gobbi de Ávila5

21 Antibiotics in tonsillectomies: therapeutic or prophylactic? Necessary or outrageous?
         Otávio Bejzman Piltcher1, Fabiana Bortoncello Scarton2



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