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Cranial nerves and the communication era
Henrique Olival Costa
Effect of lubricants on the integrity of the Foley catheter and their implications in nasal packing for epistaxis
Fernando P. Gaspar-Sobrinho 1, Antônio C. Esperidião 2, Hélio A. Lessa 3
Sinus complications after orbital decompression by combined external and endonasal technique
Rogério Pezato 1, Rodrigo de Paula Santos 2, Paulo Góes Manso 3, Max Domingues Pereira 4
Clinical and histopathological aspects of the sinonasal lymphoma
Bernardo C. Araújo Filho 1, Flavio A. Sakae 2, Marcus M. Lessa 2, Maura C. das Neves 2, Richard L. Voegels 3, Ossamu Butugan 3
Oral candidiasis and hairy leukoplakia as progression markers of hiv infection in Brazilian patients
Ivan Dieb Miziara 1, Adriana da Silva Lima 2, Rodrigo Antonio Cataldo de la Cortina 2
Comparative study between two tonsillectomy techniques: Ultracision harmonic scalpel and traditional dissection with cold scalpel
Fernando A. Ramos 1, Roberto D. P. Ferreira 2, Rubens H. da Silva 2, Eloísa P. do Prado 2, Renato J. Corso 2, José Antonio Pinto 3
Study of the morpho and cytodifferentiation of the submandibular gland of rats submitted to partial excision of one of its lobes
Anna C. M. Fossati 1, Felipe L. Salgado 2, Eduardo J. Gaio 2, Anemarie S. Bender 2
Vocal behavior during menstrual cycle: perceptual-auditory, acoustic and self-perception analysis
Luciane C. de Figueiredo 1, Maria Inês R. Gonçalves 2, Antonio Pontes 3, Paulo Pontes 4
Comparative analysis of partial laringectomies with and without tracheostomy
Henrique O. O. Costa 1, André C. Duprat 2, Claudia A. Eckley 3, Samantha R. F. Dutra 4, Carolina M. Cavalcanti 5
Audiometric assessment of military personnel in Brazilian barracks
Ana P. Silva 1, Everardo A. da Costa 2, Salete M. M. Rodrigues 3, Humberto L. R. Souza 4, Valéria G. Massafera 5
Sensitivity and specificity of middle latency potential
Eliane Schochat 1, C. M. Rabelo 2, R. C. De A. Loreti 3
The relationship between hypozincemia and tinnitus
Osmar Clayton Person 1, José Carlos Nardi 2, Maria Cristina Lancia Cury Féres 3
Hearing loss prevention programs control of Curitiba (hlpp)
Regina C.M. Cavalli 1, Thais C. Morata 2, Jair M. Marques 3
Otoacoustic emissions by distortion products in children aged 2 to 7 years
Alfredo R. Dell'Aringa 1, Ana Helena Bannwart Dell'Aringa 2, Antônio J. C. Juares 3, Cinthia de Melo 4, Renato M. Perches Filho 5
Oral squamous cell carcinoma - contribution of oncogenic virus and some molecular markers in the development and prognosis of the lesion: a review
Beatriz da Rocha Miranda Venturi1 , Márcia Grillo Cabral 2, Simone de Queiroz Chaves Lourenço 3
Autoimmune sensorioneural hearing loss in children: a case report
Kátia S. Costa 1, Roberta I. D. Garcia 1, Suzana B. Cecatto 1, Priscila B. Rapoport 2, Renata Mendonça 3
Sensorineural hearing loss in systemic lupus erythematosus: report of three cases
Suzana B. Cecatto 1, Roberta I. D. Garcia, Kátia S. Costa, Sônia M. A. Anti 2, Erika Longone 3, Priscila B. Rapoport 4
Ménière's disease in children
Gustavo J. Magalhães 1, Gustavo G. Pacheco 1
Gelfoam® applications as an emergency treatment in glottic insufficiency in singer
Paulo A. L. Pontes 1, Vanessa P. Vieira 2
Pleomorphic adenoma of the nasal septum: a case report
Mauren P. Rocha 1, Andréa M. Campagnolo 1, Vanessa S. Macedo 1, Fabiana B. Scarton 2, Henrique P. Rocha 3, Gabriel Kuhl 4
Wegener's granulomatosis and subglottic stenosis: case description
Fernanda Guidolin 1, Carlos Eduardo Magro 2, Francisco Bezerra Neto 3, Thelma L. Skare 4
Localized laryngeal amyloidosis: case report and literature review
Fabiana C. P. Valera 1, Denílson S. Fomin 1, Gilberto S. Maggioni Jr. 2, Marcos Grellet 3
The effectiveness of the auditory training in the central auditory processing disorder: a case study
Lorena Kozlowski 1, Gislaine M. R. Wiemes 2, Cristiana Magni 3, Angela L. G. da Silva 4
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