1992 Vol. 58 Ed. 1

1 Fine needle aspiration biopsy of thyroid solitary nodules
         José Vietor Maniglia, M.D.* , Paulo Augusto L. Pontes, M.D.** , Hornilton Leite Soares, M.D.***

2 Astral-choanal polyps: origin and treatment
         Cláudio Cidade Gomes *, Eulália Sakano *, Hsiao Meng Chung**, Raul Renato Guedes de Melo ***

3 Correlation between the mastoid size and miryngoplasty results
         Ricardo Ferreira Bento*, Priscila Bogar** , Luiz Ubirajara Sennes*** , Ana Helena Chagas Ramos****, Silvio Antônio Monteiro Marone*****, Aroldo Miniti ******

4 Instrument for the direct measurement of the slow-phase angular velocity of the nystagmus
         Clemente I. Ribeiro de Almeida*, Edmir Américo Lourenço **, Roberta Ribeiro de Almeida ***, André de Campos Duprat****

5 The pathogenesis of cholesteatomas
         Dr. Sady Selaimen da Costa*, Dr. Renato Roithmann**, Dra. Maria Cristina P. Matheus***

7 Intratemporal fatial nerve neuroma
         Aldo Stamm *, Luiz Antônio S. Freire **

8 Uncommon forms of nasopharyngeal hyperplastic lymphoid tissue
         Song Yann Ling*, Signe Schuster Grase*, Roberto Zanovello Ognibene*, Oswaldo Laércio Mendonça Cruz**

         Dr. Adelmar Cadar

         Dra. Siomara Bambirra



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