Portuguese Version

Year:  1992  Vol. 58   Ed. 1 - ()

Relato de Casos

Pages: 52 to 61

Intratemporal fatial nerve neuroma

Author(s): Aldo Stamm *,
Luiz Antônio S. Freire **

Keywords: neuroma, facial nerve, facial palsy

Facial Nerve Neuroma is a tumor of low ocurrence. In most cases they patients show facial paralysis, but in some cases, they show hearing loss and normal function of the Facial Nerve which makes more difficult the diagnosis. Treatment consists in the entire excision of the tumor. Facial Nerve functions may be restored by any of the following options: and to and anastomosis, autogenous nervegrafing Hipoglossal-facial anastomosis, Temporal Muscle transposition or transplatation of muscles. In this paper we report 5 cases diagnosed in our service from 1985 to 1990. A11 cases had surgical treatment, beeing used in 4 cases autogenous grafting of the Great Auricular Nerve and in one patient "cross face" with transfer of the Gracilis Muscle.






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