2002 Vol. 68 Ed. 1

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         Henrique Olival Costa - Editor Executivo

2 Otoprotection of auditory hair cells against amikacin ototoxicity
         José Antonio A. de Oliveira 1 Daniel Mendes Canedo 2, Maria Rossato 3

3 Distortion-product otoacoustic emissions and pure tone audiometry: a study of temporary threshold shifts
         Silvana Frota 1, Maria Cecília Martinelli Iório 2

4 Study of the dp growth rate answers pattern of the otoacustic emission distortion product in normal hearing people
         Juliana B. Tiradentes 1, Carmen Z. V. Coube 2, Orozimbo A. Costa Filho 3

5 Assessment of the elderly auditory processing with and whithout presbicusis by ssw test
         Sandra Murad Quintero 1, Rosely M. B. Marotta 1, Sílvio A. M. Marone 2

6 Repeatability of evoked otoacoustic emissions in normally hearing adults
         Mariana C. Guedes 1, Simone N. Passos 1, Maria Valéria S. Goffi Gomez 2, Ricardo Ferreira Bento 3

7 Hearing loss in individuals with cerebral palsy: etiologic discussion
         Dionísia A. C. Lamônica 1, Brasília M. Chiari 2, Liliane D. Pereira 2

8 Noise induced hearing loss in metallurgical workers
         Simone Adad Araújo 1

9 Tragal pericondrium and cartilage timpanoplasty
         José Ricardo Gurgel Testa 1, Miriam Scapin Teixeira 2, Katia M. X. Ribeiro 2, Gilberto Ulson Pizarro 3, Ieda Millas 3

10 Active cephalic auto-rotation in patients with dizziness/ vertigo
         Aída R.M. de Assunção 1, Sergio Albertino 2, Marco A. M. T. Lima 3

11 Eyelid gold weight for treatment of lagophthalmus in patients with facial palsy
         José Ricardo Gurgel Testa 1, Mariana Dantas Aumond 2, Cláudia Regina Figueiredo 3

12 Anatomical relation between the hypoglossal nerve and the carotid artery bifurcation
         Felipe S. G. Fortes 1, Dr. Erasmo S. Silva 2, Dr. Luiz U. Sennes 3

13 The pediculated flap technique to sulcus vocalis repairing
         Marcos Grellet 1, Camila Giácomo Carneiro 2, Lilian Neto Aguiar 3, Marcelo Oliveira Rosa 4, José Carlos Pereira 5

15 Reflux esophagitys and reflux laryngitis: Different stages of the same disease?
         Fabiano B. Gavazzoni 1, André L. de Ataíde 1, Francisco Herrero Júnior 2, Evaldo D. de Macedo Filho 3



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