1996 Vol. 62 Ed. 3

1 Morphology of the Posterior Tympanic Sinuses.
         N. L. Zorzetto *, O. J. Tamega **, P. J. Garcia ***, J. C. Soares ***.

2 Otolaryngology and Pharyngoesophageal Dysphagia.
         Onivaldo Bretan*, Maria Aparecida C. A. Henry**.

3 Study of Humidification and Heating of Inspired Gases During Mechanical Ventilation in Dogs.
         Regina Helena García Martins*, José Reinaldo Cerqueira Braz**, Júlio Defaveri***, Paulo Roberto Curi****.

4 "Transient Evoked and Acoustic Distortion Products Otoacoustic Emissions in Hearing Evaluation of Newborns with Few Horas of Life".
         Otacilio Lopes Filho (*), Rosimeire Carlos (**), Daniela Thomé (***), Claudia Eckley (****).

6 A Study on the Drugs Prescription in Drugstores: Sinusites.
         Aracy Pereira Silveira Balbani*, Ronaldo Carvalho Santos Júnior*, Tanit Ganz Sanchez* Ossamu Butugan***.

7 Fine Needle Aspiration in the Diagnosis of Head and Neck Masses.
         Guilherme Pilla Caminha*, José Faibes Lubianca Neto**, Gabriel Kuhl***

8 Plasmacytoma Occurring as a Laryngeal Polip.
         Luiz Fernando Bleggi Torres*, Joel Takashi Totsugui**, Elmar Allen Fugmann***, Caio Soares***, Betina Werner*.

9 Nasal Septum Abscess with Simultaneous Hard Palate Abcess.
         Sergio Ramos*, Rosangela Faria Ramos**.

         Renato Roithmann - Porto Alegre



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