Portuguese Version

Year:  1996  Vol. 62   Ed. 3 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 246 to 250

Fine Needle Aspiration in the Diagnosis of Head and Neck Masses.

Author(s): Guilherme Pilla Caminha*,
José Faibes Lubianca Neto**,
Gabriel Kuhl***

Keywords: Biopsy, needle, head and neck neoplasmics

The differencial diagnosis for head and neck masses is extense and includes benign and malignant lesions. The history and physical examination can help finding informations for the diagnosis; sometimes, however, is necessary to use other methods to establish a definitive diagnosis. Fine-needle aspiration is a procedure considered in the first-line investigation of an unknown mass. We discuss its utility and limitations in the diagnosis of head and neck tumors.






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