2009 Vol. 75 Ed. 2

1 Voice Care and Dedication celebrate Ten Years!
         Jeferson Sampaio D´Avila

2 HPV detection in the oral and genital mucosa of women with positive histopathological exam for genital HPV, by means of the PCR
         Therezita M. Peixoto Patury Galvão Castro1, Ivo Bussoloti Filho2, Velber Xavier Nascimento3, Sandra Doria Xavier4

3 A critical analysis of 33 patients with substernal goiter surgically treated by neck incision
         Murilo Catafesta Das Neves1, Marcello Rosano2, Flávio Carneiro Hojaij3, Márcio Abrahão4, Onivaldo Cervantes5, Danielle Macellaro Andreoni6

4 Alterations in early auditory evoked potentials in multiple sclerosis patients
         Tania Mara Assis Lima1, Aline Nascimento Crato2, Patrícia Cotta Mancini3, Lília Correa Simões4, Denise Utsch Gonçalves5

5 Computerized manometry use to evaluate spasm in pharyngoesophageal segment in patients with poor tracheoesophageal speech before and after treatment with botulinum toxin
         Carlos T. Chone1, Vinícius Oliveira Seixas2, Nelson A. Andreollo3, Elizabeth Quagliato4, Irene H. K. Barcelos5, Ana L. Spina6, Agrício N. Crespo7

6 Vocal tract analysis in patients with vocal fold nodules, clefts and cysts
         Raquel Buzelin Nunes1, Andrea Moreira Veiga de Souza2, Andre de Campos Duprat3, Marta Assumpção de Andrade e Silva4, Rejane Cardoso Costa5, Juliana Gomes Paulino6

7 Do foreign bodies migrate through the body towards the heart?
         Rui Celso Martins Mamede1, Fabiana do Amaral2, Daniel Garcia Raimundo3, Luiz Carlos Conti de Freitas4, Hilton M.A. Ricz5, Francisco V. Mello-Filho6

8 Experimental study of the tissue reaction caused by the presence of cellulose produced by Acetobacter Xylinum in the nasal dorsum of rabbits
         Wander Lopes Amorim1, Henrique Olival Costa2, Flávia Coelho de Souza3, Marilia Germanos de Castro4, Leonardo da Silva5

9 Cleft palate children: performance in auditory processing tests
         Mirela Boscariol1, Karina Delgado André2, Mariza Ribeiro Feniman3

10 Larynx cancer mortality in the State of Pernambuco - Brazil - 2000-2004
         Leandro de Araújo Pernambuco1, Mirella Bezerra Rodrigues Vilela2

11 Facial paralysis associated with acute otitis media
         Fernando Kaoru Yonamine1, Juliane Tuma2, Rogério Fernandes Nunes da Silva3, Maria Claudia Mattos Soares4, José Ricardo Gurgel Testa5

12 P300- long-latency auditory evoked potential in normal hearing subjects: simultaneous recording value in Fz and Cz
         Josilene Luciene Duarte1, Kátia de Freitas Alvarenga2, Marcos Roberto Banhara3, Ana Dolores Passarelli de Melo4, Roberta Moreno Sás5, Orozimbo Alves Costa Filho6

13 Newborn Hearing Screening Program Implantation Analysis at a University Hospital
         Wilian Maduell de Mattos1, Luciana Ferreira Cardoso2, Clarice Bissani3, Maria Madalena C. Pinheiro4, Carla Mherlyn Viveiros5, Waldir Carreirão Filho6

14 Comparative study of cell alterations in oral lichen planus and epidermoid carcinoma of the mouth mucosa
         Fernando Augusto Cervantes Garcia de Sousa1, Thaís Cachuté Paradella2, Adriana Aigotti Haberbeck Brandão3, Luiz Eduardo Blumer Rosa4

15 Characterization of tinnitus in the elderly and its possible related disorders
         Lidiane Maria de Brito Macedo Ferreira1, Alberto Novaes Ramos Júnior2, Eveline Pereira Mendes3

16 The role of intraoperative frozen sections for thyroid nodules
         João Paulo Alves de Almeida1, Sergio Dias do Couto Netto2, Rafael Pinto da Rocha3, Elio G. Pfuetzenreiter Jr.4, Rogério Aparecido Dedivitis5

17 A method for measuring the length of the coclea through magnetic resonance imaging
         Fernando Pochini Sobrinho1, Paulo Roberto Lazarini2, Hea Jung Yoo3, Luiz de Abreu Júnior4, Altino de Sá Meira5

18 Functional alterations of the stomatognathic system in pacients with allergic rhinitis: case-control study
         Catiane Maçaira de Lemos1, Niels Sales Willo Wilhelmsen2, Olavo de Godoy Mion3, João Ferreira de Mello Júnior4

19 Correlation between voice and life quality and occupation
         Ana Lúcia Spina1, Rebecca Maunsell2, Karine Sandalo3, Reinaldo Gusmão4, Agrício Crespo5

20 Topical use of adrenaline in different concentrations for endoscopic sinus surgery
         Krishnamurti Matos de Araujo Sarmento Junior1, Shiro Tomita2, Arthur Octavio de Ávila Kós3

21 Vestibular Evaluation Using Videonystagmography of Chronic Zinc Deficient Patients Due to Short Bowell Syndrome
         Gustavo Duarte Paiva Ferreira1, Maria Cristina Lancia Cury2, José Antônio de Oliveira3, Alessandra Kerli Manfredi4, Hélio Vannucchi5

22 Oral Erythroplakia and Speckled Leukoplakia: retrospective analysis of 13 cases
         Elaini Sickert Hosni1, Fernanda Gonçalves Salum2, Karen Cherubini3, Liliane Soares Yurgel4, Maria Antonia Zancanaro Figueiredo5

23 Audiologic features of elderly with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
         Nathali Singaretti Moreno1, Ana Paula do Rego André2

24 Nasal Valve: anatomy and physiology
         Carlos Eduardo Nazareth Nigro1, Josiane Faria de Aguiar Nigro2, Olavo Mion3, João Ferreira Mello Jr.4

25 Diversity of allergen exposure: Implications for the efficacy of environmental control
         Gesmar Rodrigues Silva Segundo1, Mônica Camargo Sopelete2, Sílvia Azevedo Terra3, Fernando Lourenço Pereira4, Caroline Morais Justino5, Deise Aparecida de Oliveira Silva6, Ernesto Akio Taketomi7

26 Oncocytic Papilloma
         Michel Cyrino Saliba1, Vinícius Antunes Freitas2, Eduardo César Dolabela de Moraes3, Fabrícia Leandro de Barros4, Roberto Eustáquio Santos Guimarães5

27 Unusual coexistence of oral lymphoepithelial cyst and benign migratory glossitis
         Karuza Maria Alves Pereira1, Cassiano Francisco Weege Nonaka2, Pedro Paulo de Andrade Santos3, Ana Myriam Costa de Medeiros4, Hébel Cavalcanti Galvão5

28 Retropharyngeal abscess and stridor in infants
         Regina Helena Garcia Martins1, Emanuel Celice Castilho2, Silke Tereza Weber3, Graziela de Oliveira Semenzati4, Lígia M. P. de Campos5

29 Glandular odontogenic cyst: an uncommon entity
         Michelle Manzini1, Christian Deon2, Liliam Dalla Corte3, José Carlos Bertotto4, Luciana Boff de Abreu5



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