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Código de la Imagen : 3667

Figure 1. A: CT scan of the sinuses showing a lesion in the nasopharynx

Imagen publicada en: 2013 Vol.: 79 Ed.: 5 - 21º


Descripción: Figure 1. A: CT scan of the sinuses showing a lesion in the nasopharynx; B: Direction of the vaporization of the free edges of the cyst; C: Appearance of the surgical injury on the second day postoperatively; D: Three months postoperatively, normal looking mucosa without signs of recurrence.

Autor (es) del artículo de origen: Marco Antonio Thomas Caliman1; Erika Mucciolo Cabernite2; Juliana Tichauer Vieira3; Diogo Carvalho Pasin3; Denilson Storck Fomin4

Título y link del artículo: Thornwaldt cyst - treatment with diode laser


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