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Código de la Imagen : 3531

Picture of a skull sagittal

Imagen publicada en: 2012 Vol.: 78 Ed.: 4 -


Descripción: Figure 3. Picture of a skull sagittal view showing the left nasal fossa and the ipsilateral sphenopalatine artery. Knowledge on the limits of the "sphenopalatine quadrangle" may aid surgeons identifying all branches and foramens of the sphenopalatine artery.

Autor (es) del artículo de origen: Gustavo Lara Rezende1; Vitor Yamashiro Rocha Soares2; Waldete Cabral Moraes3; Carlos Augusto Costa Pires de Oliveira4; Márcio Nakanishi5

Título y link del artículo: The sphenopalatine artery: a surgical challenge in epistaxis


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