Portuguese Version

Year:  1996  Vol. 62   Ed. 6 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 500 to 502

Simultaneous Bilateral Facial and Cocleovestibular Palsy in Lyme Disease.

Author(s): Sulene Pirana*,
Ricardo Ferreira Bento**,
Priscila Bogar***,
José Alexandre Medicis da Silveira****,
Natalino Hajime Yoshinari*****.

Keywords: Sudden deafness, facial palsy, borreliosis

Lyme's Borreliosis is a zoonosis; the main neurologic manifestation is facial palsy. The incidente of this manifestation in other countries is 7 to 20%. The authors report a case of bilateral facial palsy and deafness caused by borrelia in Brazil; this is the first case report with sorologic confirmation . They also discuss the clinical, epidemiologic and sorologic manifestations of Lyme's Borreliosis.






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