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Código de la Imagen : 3603

Figure 1. A: Location of the electromagnetic sensors.

Imagen publicada en: 2013 Vol.: 79 Ed.: 2 - 15º


Descripción: Figure 1. A: Location of the electromagnetic sensors. Tx: Transmitter and representation of the three planes; S1 and S2: 1st thoracic vertebrae and sacral region; B: Surface with position of the feet.

Autor (es) del artículo de origen: José Ailton Oliveira Carneiro1; Taiza Elaine Grespan Santos-Pontelli2; José Fernando Colafêmina3; Antonio Adilton Oliveira Carneiro4; Eduardo Ferriolli5

Título y link del artículo: A pilot study on the evaluation of postural strategies in young and elderly subjects using a tridimensional electromagnetic system


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