Portuguese Version

Year:  1992  Vol. 58   Ed. 4 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 235 to 248

Vectoelectronystagmography: Analyses of the frequencies and threshold of the vertical nystagmus to the decrescent rotatory pendular test.

Author(s): Colafêmina, J. F.*,
Grellet, M.**

Keywords: vectoelectronystaginography: frequencies and threshold of the nystagmus vertical, decrescent rotatory pendular test

The authors studied two groups of individuals, young and adults considered as normal. We verified that there were no significative differences between then two groups when avaliated in relation to the response of the semicircular canals by the decrescent rotatory pendular test. There were differences in the avaliationof the threshold of the nystagmus responses of the horizontal canals in relation to the responses of the vertical canals.






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