Portuguese Version

Year:  1998  Vol. 64   Ed. 5 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 453 to 457

The Hospital's Noises and the Baby's Audiction.

Author(s): Cristiane F. Gomes * ;
Maria Madalena F. Crivara**:

Keywords: noises, noises in the hospital, child's hearing

With the intention of verifying the level of the noises ín the uníts of newborn babies and to make the team conscious about the effects of this kind of noises in the hearing of the babies, wc have made a measurement of theses levels using the sound level meter Lutron, model SL 4001 in september, 1997. In the results, we have observed that the environment in this case has been 19 dB above of the limit that is acceptable in the literature about that. We also observed that most frequently kind of noises have come from the equipments which were used in those places, like the helmet of oxygen (87 dB), and the incubator machine (62 dB) and also some proceedings such as doors shutting (96dB), and the act of drumming on the cúpula of the incubator machines (81 dB). We have concluded that those items could be simply reduced if the team become conscious about the correct use of the equipments and also about the performance of the proceedings.






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