Portuguese Version

Year:  1994  Vol. 60   Ed. 4 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 267 to 270

Otorrhinolaringological Manifestation in HIV-Soropositive Patients.

Author(s): Denise Utsch Gonçalves*,
Antônio Carlos Toledo Júnior **,
Celso Gonçalves Becker`,
Tânia Mara Lima Gonçalves****,
Dirceu Bartolomeu Greco*****.

Keywords: Adquired immunodeficiency syndrome, otolaryngology

The objetive is evaluate the otolaryngological manifestations in 57 patients iu various grades of HIV infection. All patients presented any otolaryngological symptom and were examinated by only one specialist. The age were between 21 and 49 years and 50 (80%) were male. The patients were separated in groups II and group IV according to CDC critéria. In group II cervical lymphadenomegaly occured in 27,3% of the cases. Parotidgland enlargement in 18,2%, adenoidal hypertrophy in 9,1% and hairy leukoplakia in 18,2% of the patients of this group. The infections disease predominatedin group IV. Sinusites occuredin 47,8%, oral candidiasis in 23,9% andotitis media in 13,0%. Kaposi's Syndrome was present in 6 cases. The autorrs concluded that diseases related to lymphoid hyperplasia is frequent during theear lystagesof HIV infection, white infections dominate the advanced stages.






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