Portuguese Version

Year:  1998  Vol. 64   Ed. 2 - (11º)

Relato de Casos

Pages: 171 to 174

Plasma Cell Granuloma of The larynx in a Patient. With 15 Years Old.

Author(s): Luiz F. B Torres * ;
Cícero de A. Urban ** ;
Llnei A. B. Dellê *** ,
Luís C. Bredt **** ,
Lauro .T Ara *****':

Keywords: larynx, plasma cell granuloma, plasma cell granuloma of lhe larynx

The occurrence of plasma cell granuloma of the larynx is unusual. It can simule other neoplasms such as plasmocytoma, schwannoma or malignant turnos. The authors present an unusual case in a 15 years old female patient, which had hoarseness and a sensation of a lump in her throot. Direct laryngoscopy revealed a partial obstruction on the left side of the subglottis. After the extramucosal ressection, the patient has been followed for a period of one year and no recurrence has been noted and the fonatory fuction remains within normal limits. -There are few cases in the literature and this seems to be the first report of plasma cell granuloma of the larynx affecting a child.






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