Portuguese Version

Year:  2000  Vol. 66   Ed. 3 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 233 to 240

Auditory Brainstem response Using Tone Pip: A Estimation of the auditory Threshold at 1.000 Hz.

Author(s): Cláudia M. Valete*,
Marco A. M. T. Lima**

Keywords: auditory brainstem response, auditory threshold, acoustic stimulation, pure tome audiometry

Introduction: The Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) allows the evaluation of the auditory function in hard-to-test population. One of its major limitations is the lack of frequency specific of the most commonly used stimulus, the click. Material and methods: The present work have studied-ABR to 1000 Hz tone pip in 30 normal-hearing subjects, to determine the riliability of the responses and the difference between ABR threshold and the subjective pure-tone threshold at 1000 Hz. Results: Only wave V was identified and as intensity decreased, the latency of wave V increased. The wave V has been identified in 100% of cases at 40 dBHL, 86.7% at 30 dBHL and 41.7% at 20 dBHL. The ABR threshold average to 27 dBHL and the difference between ABR threshold and the subjective pure-tone threshold - at 1000 Hz amounted to 21 dB. Conclusion: These data agreed with other studies with similar stimulus parameters. We concluded that 1000 Hz tone pip was able to evocate ABR. New studies are needed, in subjects with hearing loss, to determine the ideal correction factor between the ABR threshold and the subjective pure-tone threshold.






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