Portuguese Version

Year:  1993  Vol. 59   Ed. 4 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 269 to 271

Intranasal "Splint"

Author(s): Jeferson Sampaio D'Avila *
Aldo Cassol Stamm**
Moacir Pozzobon ***
Shirley Shizue Nagata Pignatari ****.

Keywords: nasal septum, epistaxis

Intranasal "Splints" have been widely used in nasal surgery since Salinger (1934). They are specially useful to prevent intranasal adhesions, post operative bleeding, hematoma, to support the reconstructed septum and deviated nose. Many material have been used: X-Ray film, polythene, silicon, polipropytene and plastic. The goal of this study is to define the splint indications and to present a type of splint we have been using since 1988 with several advantages. We have used plastic material (saline bottle) from 1988 to 1992, in 124 surgeries, such as: septoplasty, turbinate surgery and transnasal microsurgery. We concluded that splints offer several advantagens in comparison to the traditional nose packing, such: more confortable, uniform pressure, allow nasal breathing, low cost, easier to insert and remove, prevent and repair intranasal adhesion.






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