Year: 1993 Vol. 59 Ed. 3 - (10º)
Relato de Casos
Pages: 202 to 206
Mucosal melanoma of nose and paranasal cavities.
Claudio Cidade Gomes *
Eulália Sakano *
Maria Célia Lucchezi **
Raul Renato Guedes de Melo ***
Keywords: mucosal melanoma, tumor of nose and paranasal sinus
Mucosal melanoma of nose and paranasal cavities is a rare and usually lethal disease. Is a cancerous condition of the melanocyte. The etiology is unknown. It may at times be difficult for the pathologist to arrive at the diagnoses. The imunohistochemical demonstration of specifics proteins is sometimes a useful diagnostic indicator. Radical surgery is the preferred treatment of these tumors. Two cases of primary mucosal melanoma of nose and paranasal sinuses are presented. One nasal submitted a surgical treatment and the maxilar sinus, by a radiotherapy, the authors discuss their clinical courses, diagnostic evalution and therapeutics.