Year: 2000 Vol. 66 Ed. 1 - (2º)
Artigos Originais
Pages: 14 to 17
Quality of Life After Total Laryngectomy.
Rogério A. Dedivitis*;
André V. Guimarães*;
Gabriel D. Hushi*,
Kátia R. Fuza**.
Keywords: larynx, neoplasm, quality life
Introductions: As nearly 60% of the patients in an unselected group with laryngeal cancer are still alive after five years it presents an important social problem because the treatments have functional, esthetic and emotional impact. Aim: With the objective of assessing long-term quality of life in surviving patients with advanced laryngeal cancer, 22 laryngectomized patients was evaluated from 1995 to 1997 according to: pain and analgesy; appearence alteration and desfigurement; level of activity; ability to perform job; deglutition; speech; familiar and social relationship; level of anxiety and depression. Results: The patients with disease recorrence or surgical complications had a greater impact due to the treatment.-The voice lost was better managed due to the rehabilitation available methods. In general, the patients were able to accept the treatment sequelae.