Year: 1991 Vol. 57 Ed. 4 - (5º)
Relato de Casos
Pages: 203 to 209
Fibrous dysplasia of temporal bone. A case report
Lídio Granato*
Mauro Veras**
Ivo Bussoloti Falho***
Keywords: temporal bone, fibrous dysplasia of bone
The patient is a 25 year old male, with large monostotic fibrous dysplasia of the left temporal bone, complieated by left ear cholesteatoma with fistulas on the mastoid and neck regions.
After undergoing six surgerics in nine years, neurosurgery with extensive ressection of the temporal bone was performed.
Although the pacient's follow up showed no relapses for two years, the suthors, suggest a close, extended observation period for fibrous dysplasia cases.