Portuguese Version

Year:  1996  Vol. 62   Ed. 6 - (11º)

Relato de Casos

Pages: 531 to 536

Aneurysmal Bone Cyst Associated to Giant-Cell Tumor - Case Report and Review of the Literature.

Author(s): Lídio Granato*,
Bianca Maria Liquidato**,
José Donato de Próspero***,
Ivo Bussoloti Filho****,
Maristela de Queiroz Ribeiro*****,
Antonio José da Rocha******.

Keywords: Maxillary sinus, neoplasia, bone cyst

The authors report the association of an aneurysmal bone cyst to giant-cell tumor. The aneurysmal bone cyst can be combined with other bone lesions. In this case it was classified as a secondary type. The patient was a young girl who had aneurysmal bone cyst in the maxillary, ethmoidal and sphenoidal sinuses and left nasal cavity. She under vent surgery, but recurrence took place after 9 months. She was then operated on again. The pathology examination revealed aneurysmal bone cyst associated to giant-cell tumor.






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