Portuguese Version

Year:  1996  Vol. 62   Ed. 5 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 378 to 385

Comparison of Plain Radiographs and Coronal CT Scans in Adults with Recurrent Chronic Sinusitis.

Author(s): Signe Schuster Grasel *,
Tanit Ganz Sanchez *,
Lucia Giardini **,
Emi Murano**,
Edigar Rezende de Almeida***,
Ossamu Butugan****,
Aroldo Miniti *****.

Keywords: sinusitis, X-ray computed tomography, radiography

Recurrent chronic sinusitis is a common clinical problem in everyday practice. Forty adults with recurrent sinusitis were included in this prospective study. Standard sinus radiographs were compared with coronal CT scans of the paranasal sinuses to determine the reliability of plain sinus films in diagnosing and assessing the localization of residual sinus disease prior to a surgical approach. Both exams were performed with a maximum time interval of 48 hours, the patients not using antibiotics. CT findings showed abnormalities in 97% of the patients. In 80% of the patients, findings ou standard radiographs did not correlate with those ou CT scans. Plain films both overestimated ( 25% of the cases) and underestimated ( 50% of the cases) sinus disease of at least one sinus in comparison with the cormpondeng CT scan of this sinus. Plain radiographs are not reliable for adequate diagnoses and assessment of residual sinus disease, hence are insuffieient means for the preoperative evaluation of recurrent chronic sinusites.






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