Year: 1996 Vol. 62 Ed. 1 - (9º)
Relato de Casos
Pages: 72 to 76
Foreign Body of Larynx: Case Report.
Mara Edwirges Rocha Gandara *
Sulene Pirana **
Patricia Fischetti Delgatto ***
José Robledo Naves ****
José Alexandre Médicis da Silveira *****
Aroldo Minitti ******
Keywords: Foreign body, larynx
Laringeal foreign-body is rare and HAZARDOUS event; it is more frequent in children. The present report is about a peculiar laringeal foreign-body("spring"). The diagnosis was made more than three months later, because the foreign-body was not obstructive. The initial diagnosis was bronchiolitis and latertonsilectomy was indicated. The correct diagnosis was suspected by indirett laryngoscopy and it was confirmed by dirett laryngoscopy. The removal of foreign-body was made with rigid endoscope undergeneral anesthesia without lesion.