Portuguese Version

Year:  1996  Vol. 62   Ed. 1 - ()

Relato de Casos

Pages: 65 to 71

Revision Stapedectomy: A Review of 63 Cases.

Author(s): Noisio Guilherme Moraes Ferreira *
Michel Portmann **
Didier Portmann ***
Guy Lacher ***

Keywords: Stapedotomy, Stapedectomy, Otosclerosis

The authors present their experiences with revision Stapedectomy procedures focusing the following aspects: the purpose of second surgery; the interval between the first and second surgery; the diagnostic consideration, the type of the second-surgery and the results about the symtoms (hearing loss, dizzines or vertigo). They also make a wide bibliografica review about the second-surgery of stapes otosclerosis.






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