Year: 1995 Vol. 61 Ed. 5 - (1º)
Artigos Originais
Pages: 343 to 348
Early injuries in Respiratory Mucosa Following Intubation.
Regina Helena Garcia Martins*,
José Reinaldo Cerqueira Braz**,
Onivaldo Bretan*,
Paulo Roberto Figueiredo ***,
Julio Defaveri****.
Keywords: endotracheal intubtion, laryngeal injuries, tracheal injuries
The authors studies the early lesions of laringotraqueal mucosa following intubation in 30 dogs who were intubate with high complacent canula during the period of 4 hours. After this period biopsies of vocal cord, arytenoids, cricoid and tracheal rings were performed. The most frequent histological findings were neutrophils and mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltration into the corion, vascular congestion and necrosis of the epithelial cells. Based in these findings the authors recommend the use of canula with balonest of high complacence and the endoscopic follow up pf the after extubation.