Portuguese Version

Year:  1995  Vol. 61   Ed. 3 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 175 to 177

Transnasal Access to the Maxillary Artery for the Treatment of the Severe Epistaxis.

Author(s): Edson Monteiro*,
Joćo A. Caldas Navarro**,
Marcia Murao***.

Keywords: Epistaxis, nasal surgery, maxillary sinus

Based on anatomic experiments, the authors idealized the technique of reaching the maxillary artery through the transnasal route, with inicial opening of the maxillary sinus through its medial wall and following through the posterior wall for the exposure of the artery. Success was achieved in the control of hemorrhage in the presented cases, showing this as a fast technique, of simple execution and low morbidity.






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