Portuguese Version

Year:  1995  Vol. 61   Ed. 1 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 58 to 62

The Use of Jet-Ventilation Technique in Children Undergone to Larynx Microsurgery with the CO2 - Laser.

Author(s): Patrícia Ramalho Filier*,
Glória M. B. Potério**,
Estér M. D. Nicola***,
Angélica de Fátima A. Braga****.

Keywords: General anesthesia, laser surgery, laryngoscopy

The CO² -Laser has been efficient in excision of the vocal cords and larynx lesions. However, the ignition fine o f the endotraqueal tubes is a serious complication of the technique. Trying to avaliate the Jet-Venturi technique, 5 children forro 0 to 10 years old, of both sexes and with larynx pappilomata were undergone to laser ttratment using a metal neddle adapted to the suspended laryngoscope for ventilation. Propofol or etomidate with atracurium and alfetanil; or inhaled induction with halothane were usedin anestltesia. Periods of opnéia were coincidentes with thelaser beam with no variation in hemodinamics parameters or in the Sat O². The average time of surgery and awakeniug were 36,6 + /_ 3,1 and 13,3 + /-1, 45 minutes, respectively. Bradicardia was the unique complication observed. So, the ventilatory method was adequated in maintainingventilation, decreasing the fire complication and improving the surgeon's action.






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