Portuguese Version

Year:  1995  Vol. 61   Ed. 1 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 45 to 48

Topical Anaesthesia in Otoplasty - Study of Ten Cases.

Author(s): Paulo Henrique Facchina Nunes*,
Ricardo Gomes Andrade**,
Agnaldo Elon Disarz***

Keywords: anesthesia, ear surgery

We studied 10 patients (06 female and 04 male patients) submited to aesthetic otoplasty for corretion of the protruding ear. The modified Mustardé techique was used in all cases. As the anesthetic procedure topic eutetic mixture of lidocaine and prilocaine was used. The patients age ranged from six to twenty six years old. (X=16,5). The anaesthetic mixture was initialy applied and ninety to on hundred twenty minutes after the surgical procedure was initied. The time spent in the surgical procedure ranged from forty to one hundred minutes (X=70 minutes). No adverse reactions were observed. The mixture procedure on efective analgesia during the surgical procedure.






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