Year: 1995 Vol. 61 Ed. 1 - (4º)
Artigos Originais
Pages: 24 to 29
Microbiology Study on Tonsils
Luiza H. Endo *,
Eulália Sakano **,
Marcia Bilecki ***,
Ulysses Moraes Oliveira ****,
Maria Cecilia Ulson ****.
Keywords: Tonsil, bacteria
During many years the S. Pyogenes has been considered the main bacteria responsible for acure and chronic tonsillitis. Nowadays we can see in the foreign literature that the frequeney of these bacteria incidence has been decreased and others like H. influenzae, S. Aureusand M. catarrhalis have been increased. W estudied the bacteria present in 52 tonsils of patients that underwent for surgery. We divided then in three groups: Tonsils and Adenoid Hypertrophy, Recurrent Tonsillitis and Tonsils and Adenoid Hypertrophy with Recurrent Tonsillitis. Culture of the surface and the "core" of tonsils was made. Comparison between bacteria of the surface and the "core" and the comparison among the three groups was done. The more frequent bacteria we find in the surface and the "core" are: S. alpha haemoliticus (86,6%), H. Influenzae (38,5%) and S. aureus (34,6%).