Portuguese Version

Year:  1995  Vol. 61   Ed. 1 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 14 to 18

Pterygomaxilar Fossa and Nasociliar Nerve Anesthetic Infiltration - Anatomical and Physiological Aspects.

Author(s): Edmir Américo Lourenço*,
Regina Kikue Mizutam*,
Reinal do Vargas Bastos Miranda**,
Claudio Ciari**,
Clemente Isnard Ribeiro de Almeida***,
Luis Henrique Chechinato Costa****.

Keywords: Local anesthesia, nose, maxíllary sinos

The Authors show the pterygo maxilar fossa and nasociliar nerve (in their anatomical and physiological aspects), of which anesthetic infiltrations are easy, quick, efficacious and safe in many odontologic and otolaryngologic procedures, making possible the execution of nose and sinus surgeries with decreased bleeding and minus general anesthetic drugs, because of algic stimulus disappearance and consequent no catecolamines libetation.






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