Portuguese Version

Year:  1997  Vol. 63   Ed. 6 - ()

Artigo de Revisão

Pages: 577 to 579

Submandibular Space Infection - Bacteriology and Treatment - Three Year Review.

Author(s): João G. S. Mira*
Marcos Mocellin**
Luís L Yosida***
Rodrigo G. Pereira****
Rogério Hamerschmidt*****

Keywords: abscess, rnicrootganisms, antibiotics

Submandibular space infection is a common disease in the otolaryngology. Nevertheless, the treatment of this patology is not very well established. Based on this fact, the Department of Otolaryngology of the Clinical Hospital in Curitiba made a revision of the cases during 1993 and 1995. The patients were analised by their age, sex, time since the beginning of the symptoms till medical Gare, treatment and bacteriology. The mainstem of our study is the fact that there was a little growing of gram-negatives in our culturas; the main bacteria were gram positives and anaerobes. Due to these results, we suppose the use antibiotic therapy should cover gram positives and anaerobes; the use of aminoglicosides may be done if there are gram negatives in the abscess, that means, if the culture is positive to gram negatives.






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