Year: 1997 Vol. 63 Ed. 6 - (1º)
Artigos Originais
Pages: 541 to 547
Anatomical Observations of the Jugular Forame.
Heraldo L. Guido*
Neivo L. Zorzetto**
Keywords: human skull, jugular foramen, anatomy
The jugular foramen were examined in 100 human skulls. In 61% of cases the right was larger than the left and in 26% the left was larger, with 13% of equal shape and size. The jugular foramen was separated into two compartments by septation bone in 5% of cases bilaterally; on the right only in 7%, on the left only in 3%. The jugular foramen was described as being divided into three compartments by two spicules of bone in 6% of cases the right and in 5% the left. The jugular fossa was evident bilaterally in 86% of cases; on the right only in 10% and on the left only in 4%.