Portuguese Version

Year:  1999  Vol. 65   Ed. 5 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 385 to 388

Anatomical Relationship Between the Chorda Tympani Nerve and the Temporomandibular Joint.

Author(s): Joćo A. C. Navarro ;
Érlka A. Q. Oliveira* ;
Jesus C. Andreo**,
Ricardo L. Navarro****.

Keywords: temporomandibular joint; chorda tympani nerve; facial nerve

Introduction: After to leave the facial nerve into the mastoid, the chorda tympani nerve (CTN) reachs the middle ear. It crosses between the tympanic membrane and the manubrium of the malleus and pierces finto the tympanic canal, just lateral of the auditive tube. Near to the spinous foramen and to the middle meningeal artery, this nerve leaves the cranial base. There is controversy about the cranial trajectory of the CTN. Purpose: The aim of this search is contribute to this anatomical aspect. Material and Methods: Twenty hemi-heads from adult individuals were fixed in 10% formaline and decalcified in 5% nitric acid. Using a surgical microscope (DF Vasconcellos), microdissections were realized by endocranial acesses, and the anatomical relationships among the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), middle ear and chorda tympani nerve were observed. The bony structures between the middle ear, medial region of the articular disc were removed to observe the anterior malleus ligament, until its capsular connection. Conclusion: The intrapetrous trajectory of the CTN was retilineous, posteroanterior and lateromedial. The CTN/TMJ major distance was 4.0mm; and the minor distance was 1.0mm, being 3.0mm in average. The CTN traumatic compression is impossible in its intrapetrous trajectory.






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