Portuguese Version

Year:  1999  Vol. 65   Ed. 4 - ()

Relato de Casos

Pages: 342 to 344

Tonsilar Malignant Schwannoma. A Case Report and Literature Reviw.

Author(s): Ana P. S. Zarzur*;
Antonio C. Cedin*;
José C. R. Fernandes*,
Ivan C. F. Barbosa**;
Valdete Melo***.

Keywords: malignant Schwannoma, tonsilar

Malignant schwannomas are rare sarcomas which grow from peripheral nerves, including those from Schwann cells, perineural cells or fibroblasts. The authors make a literature review and a case description of a malignant tonsilar schwannoma in a 37 year-old male that presented with dysphagia. The diagnosis was made by excisional biopsy associated with clinical and radiological founds. The purpose of this report is to describe a rare case of malignant schwannoma as well as to present some difficulties in its diagnosis.






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